Case Study - Raby Castle

Beckfoot Thornton Secondary School



Ground Source Solutions commenced drilling for a ground source heat pump system at Beckfoot Thornton School in June 2022.


Ground Source Solutions commenced drilling for a ground source heat pump system at Beckfoot Thornton School in June 2022.   The project timescales were very tight and we aimed to be complete by the end of the school holidays.

We commenced drilling of the 34no x 127m boreholes on the 27th June and completed all drilling works by the 5th August which was an enormous achievement considering the difficult geological conditions we had to overcome.  This allowed our in-house ground workers and pipe fitters to install all the headers and manifolds before the commissioning team completed the final testing, flushing and dosing of the system. The system was made live on the 30th August with the car park fully reinstated and ready for the schools return on the 6th September.